Privacy Policy
Date of enactment December 14, 2009
Revision date November 1, 2011
We believe that it is a social responsibility to recognize the importance of personal information handled through IT related business, comply with laws and regulations, and protect customers' personal information with the best care, , We will set a privacy policy so that you can use it safely, we will deal strictly according to it.
1. About acquisition, use and provision of personal information
In consideration of business content and scale of business, we will acquire personal information appropriately, treat personal information only within the scope of prescribed usage purpose, we will not use personal information beyond purpose. Also, unless requested by a public institution such as a court or a police agency based on laws or regulations, we will not offer it to a third party without the consent of the individual. To that end, prepare handling procedures of personal information and strive to educate employees.
2. Regarding compliance with laws and regulations
In dealing with personal information, we will review and comply with the guidelines, ordinances and other norms prescribed by the country such as related guidelines including the Personal Information Protection Law.
3. Implementation of safety measures for personal information protection
In order to ensure that personal information is properly handled safely and properly, we have developed a management system and internal regulations as "personal information protection management system", and education of employees and unauthorized access to personal information and personal information We will take appropriate measures concerning loss, destruction, tampering and leakage prevention. Also, through daily checks, internal audits, etc., we will detect early when there are incompleteness, examine the causes and take corrective actions to prevent recurrence.
4. Complaints and consultation concerning handling of personal information
We will establish a "personal information inquiry window" as a reception desk for complaints and consultations concerning the handling of personal information, and we will respond promptly without delay.
5. Continuous improvement of personal information protection management system
Regularly review the "Personal Information Protection Management System" in order to realize the protection of personal information in response to changes in social situation and progress of information technology, as well as our business environment, and strive for continuous improvement. EQS, Inc. President Daichi Noda *About EQ EQ is provided by EQS, Inc. *Inquiries about personal information concerning this service Contact window EQ Management Office(TEL:042-320-8145) Buisiness Time:10:00~13:30、14:30~17:00
Publication items on personal information

About purpose of using personal information held by our company
The purpose of using personal information acquired by the company through person himself or business partner is shown in the table below. If you would like to be notified of usage purpose please check the table below first. In addition, the personal information attached as "Possible to disclose" in the "subject of disclosure" is disclosed to the principal, such as disclosure to the principal (disclosure of personal information, correction, addition or deletion of contents to the result of disclosure, suspension or elimination of use, It will be personal information that can be stopped). If you wish to disclose personal information about yourself, please contact us after confirming the request procedure after the table.
Disclosure target Personal information possessed Scope of purpose of use
YES Personal information of business partners acquired through various promotion service business of our company *Transmission of information on our service
*Request and payment of fee based on usage of service
YES Smartphone application Smartphone user's email address acquired through storefront promotion business *Installation of accepted smartphone application
YES Personal information of members acquired through point exchange business *Provide points and transfer services according to points · Transfer
*Provide membership information to affiliated point companies for point exchange management
YES Member's personal information acquired through business card creation service *Business card production business and shipping business
*Management of entry / withdrawal
YES Supplier information *Communication on business, creation of necessary materials
YES Information on inquiries *To inquire from customers, to respond to consultation
YES Applicant information *Judgment of recruitment and notice of Ad option / disapproval of human resources required by us
YES Employee information *Personnel management work, contact business
Procedure to respond to requests for disclosure etc. of personal information
Request for notice of purpose of use, disclosure of personal information, etc. can be done only by the principal or an agent. If you are the principal and the reply in writing is unnecessary, please first request that we disclose your personal information to the reception desk at the following below (Please correct, add or delete personal information, stop using , Even if you wish to change the handling of personal information due to deletion and suspension to third parties, we will take the procedure of the disclosure request first to identify the personal information to be charged). After identifying the personal information of the individual, we will promptly process the details of the claim based on the information we hold, either by callback or by e-mail. If the requestor wishes to represent an agent or a written reply, the offer is only accepted in writing. Please contact the reception desk of our company to request the sending of "personal information inquiry application form", fill in necessary information after arrival, enclose stamps for 300 yen as actual expenses described in the same document and work actual expenses Please send it to our reception desk again. Details will be explained at inquiries. Furthermore, arrival from 5 business day within within. We will correspond promptly. Even if you request by any method, if you can not disclose personal information under the provisions of laws or regulations or have already discarded after the storage period of our company, Since correspondence can not be done, please pardon it. [Destination for personal information to be disclosed] Contact Window Tel: 042-320-8145 Operating hours:10: 00 ~ 13: 30, 14: 30 ~ 17: 00 (except Saturday, Sunday and public holidays) Responsibility: Manager of personal information protection manager supervisor